I get error #-9939 when I try to start CatBase

Error #-9939

This error message means that your plugins are missing or, possibly, damaged.

Plugin Folders

There are three Plugin folders. Which ones you need, and where they should be located, depends upon whether you are using the single- or multi-user version of CatBase, and which platform (Mac or Windows) you're on. The three folders are:

  • Plugins
  • Mac4DX
  • Win4DX

Location of the plugin folders

The following table shows which folders you should have, and where they should be located:

Installation Type and Platform Plugin Folders Required Location of Plugin Folders
Single-user: Macintosh
  • Plugins
  • Mac4DX
They are inside the CatBase program package. You shoud normally open this.
Single-user: Windows
  • Plugins
  • Win4DX
In the same folder as your CatBase program.
  • Plugins
  • Mac4DX
  • Win4DX
In the same folder as your CatBase program.

The best way to replace the folders is to download and install the latest version of CatBase. You can find it on our Downloads Page

Article Details

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Date added:
2010-09-23 09:19:11
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