Is there a way to publish a subset of data?
How can I publish a part of my data - for example, just one Category?
There are two ways to publish the data from a selected Category or Categories: create a Project, or select the category manually.
Creating a project
- First, create a Set that specifies the Category you want to include. For example, your Set criteria might be Table: Categories 1; Query line: Category Numbers is equal to 20.
- Note that when including specific Categories in a Set, it is best to reference the Category Number rather than the Category Name, in case you decide to change the Category Name at a later date.
- Add additional "Or" query lines if you want to include additional Categories.
- Next, create a Publishing Project - select your new Set and the Publishing Style you want to use to publish the data
- To publish that selection of data, click on the Publish Data button and choose that Project.
Selecting Categories (or other records) "Ad hoc"
- Make a list of the records you want to publish - for example, make a list of Categories
- Select the record or records in that list that you want to publish now (eg - click on one Category if you just want to publish that one)
- Click on the Publish button at the top of the window
- Choose Publish the selected records only from the pop-up menu
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