Is there a way to publish a subset of data?

How can I publish a part of my data - for example, just one Category?

There are two ways to publish the data from a selected Category or Categories: create a Project, or select the category manually.

Creating a project

  1. First, create a Set that specifies the Category you want to include. For example, your Set criteria might be Table: Categories 1; Query line: Category Numbers is equal to 20.
  2. Note that when including specific Categories in a Set, it is best to reference the Category Number rather than the Category Name, in case you decide to change the Category Name at a later date.
  3. Add additional "Or" query lines if you want to include additional Categories.
  4. Next, create a Publishing Project - select your new Set and the Publishing Style you want to use to publish the data
  5. To publish that selection of data, click on the Publish Data button and choose that Project.

Selecting Categories (or other records) "Ad hoc"

  1. Make a list of the records you want to publish - for example, make a list of Categories
  2. Select the record or records in that list that you want to publish now (eg - click on one Category if you just want to publish that one)
  3. Click on the Publish button at the top of the window
  4. Choose Publish the selected records only from the pop-up menu

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